Can I Sue a State, City, or the United States for Denying Me a Firearm?
U.S. Law Christ and Culture
The goal of the Law for Life Blog is to glorify God by exploring the Christian life through the eyes of a Christian attorney striving
to practice law in line with the gospel according to Jesus.
Are Communications Between a Cleric and a Congregant Protected by Law? (Last Updated 10-22-22)
What Does My Attorney Expect from Me?
Don’t be Fooled by Tax Protestors Bearing Abusive Tax Schemes
The Sunsetting of the Temporary, COVID-19 Federal Bankruptcy Relief
In a car accident settlement, what should you ask for?
What Does the Bible Say About Caring for Our Bodies and Souls?
Legal Protections for Christians Who Oppose Vaccines and Same-Sex Marriages
Dealing Effectively with Employer Questions Regarding Your Religious Beliefs
Privacy and Religious Freedom: Can My Employer Disclose My Vaccine Status? (Video)
I am Looking for Assistance Filing a Religious Exemption to College or University's Vaccine Mandate.
I am Looking for Assistance Filing a Religious Exemption to My Employer’s COVID Vaccine Mandate.
Dealing with Divorce as a Christian (Video)
Religious Protection: Fighting Employment Discrimination, Objections to the COVID Vaccine (Video)
The Three Classes of Crime in the United States | Infractions, Felonies, & Misdemeanors (Video)
Michigan's Unconstitutional State of Emergency
What is Consumer Credit Counseling?
Understanding Bankruptcy Fees, Waivers, & Forms
What Should I Look for in an Attorney?
Do I need a lawyer? And can I handle my own legal problems?